Young people in China don't know the internet we do – and

Internet Restriction in China - Under the global pressure, this plan might increase the chance of possible yield at the Chinese party. 2.We have to understand, that the Internet restriction in china is aimed to control freedom of speech, propaganda and democratic voices that would oppose the communist parties control. How China censors its internet and controls information May 07, 2018

Chinese internet censors crack down on Winnie the Pooh

Young people in China don't know the internet we do – and Sep 05, 2018 Internet Restriction in China -

Tiananmen Square protests and China's fight for internet

Feb 12, 2015 How do teenagers living in China feel about Chinese I’m a junior high school student from China, I wanna say something about this question. (my English is not very good so please forgive my grammatical problems) As I know, most of China’s students don’t know “Internet Censorship”, we just use our o